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In English

The Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Tick-borne Diseases, headquartered at Sørlandet Hospital in southern Norway, is dedicated to advancing understanding of tick-borne diseases. Our core mission involves sharing the latest insights on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of these diseases. Through our efforts, we aim to support healthcare services, empower patients, and enhance public awareness across Norway.

The Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Tick-borne Diseases is not a treatment center, but offer expert guidance and information to healthcare professionals, the public, and media outlets. Additionally, we conduct various educational workshops and lectures on tick-related topics. Furthermore, we actively initiate, support, coordinate, and participate in research projects and scientific networks. Funding for our endeavors is provided by the Ministry of Health and Care Services and Sørlandet Hospital.

We operate an information service where we welcome inquiries from healthcare professionals, patients, family members, journalists, and others with questions about ticks or tick-borne diseases. We strive to respond to all inquiries within a few days, but during peak season, it may sometimes take up to a week.

  • General inquiries?

    If you have general inquiries (e.g., about ticks, vaccines, etc.), you can email us at flatt@sshf.no. You can also contact us by telephone: 380 73329. The information telephone is open Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 2 pm. During the high season, we get a lot of inquiries. If you are unable to reach us by phone, you can send us a brief email requesting a callback. Send e-mail
  • Questions about your own or someone else’s health?

    If you have questions about your own or someone else’s health, please use our counseling service. It is secured for privacy purposes. The service is completely free (although you may need to check the box «I accept that I may be billed»). Note: A Norwegian personal identification number is required to log in. Start counseling