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Brown, K, et al (2024) «Doxycycline for the Treatment of Lyme Disease in Young Children»

Eikeland, R, et al (2024) «Tick-borne diseases in the North Sea region-A comprehensive overview and recommendations for diagnostics and treatment»

Jensen, B. B, et al (2024) «Rickettsiosis in Denmark: A nation-wide survey»

Jore, S, et al (2024) «Outdoor recreation, tick borne encephalitis incidence and seasonality in Finland, Norway and Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020/2021)»

Lorentzen, Å. R, et al (2024) «Rituximab leading to an atypical presentation of neuroborreliosis and false negative serology»

Quarsten, H (2024) «No detection of tick-borne encephalitis virus RNA in blood, urine or saliva of hospitalised immunocompetent tick-borne encephalitis patients» 

Raffertin, A, et al (2024) «Early and better diagnosis for Lyme neuroborreliosis»

Skarstein, I, et al (2024) «Serum neurofilament light chain associates with symptom burden in Lyme neuroborreliosis patients: a longitudinal cohort study from Norway»

Skudal, H, et al (2024) «Clinical characteristics and factors affecting disease severity in hospitalized tick-borne encephalitis patients in Norway from 2018 to 2022 

Smíšková, D, et al (2024) «Paretic complications of tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme neuroborreliosis in the Czech Republic: Characteristics and clinical outcome»

Tetens, M, et al (2024) «Healthcare-seeking behaviour preceding diagnosis of Lyme neuroborreliosis: population-based nationwide matched nested case-control study»

Tetens, M, et al (2024) «Obtainment of prescribed analgesics among patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis; a nationwide, population-based matched cohort study»

Tetens, M, et al (2024) «Repeated doxycycline treatment among patients with neuroborreliosis: a nationwide, population-based, registry-based, matched cohort study»

Volt, T, et al (2024) «Spectrum of MRI findings in central nervous system affection in Lyme neuroborreliosis»


Bruinsma, R.A, et al (2023) «Clinical manifestations of Lyme neuroborreliosis in children: a review»

Cleveland, D.W, et al (2023) «Borrelia miyamotoi: A Comprehensive Review»

Dersch, R & Rauer, S (2023) «Efficacy and safety of pharmacological treatments for Lyme neuroborreliosis: An updated systematic review»

Eikeland, R, et al (2023) «Tick-borne diseases in the North Sea Region – a comprehensive overview and recommendations for diagnostic, treatment and management strategies» 

Elisabeth S Lindland, E. S, et al (2023) «Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI shows altered blood-brain barrier function of deep gray matter structures in neuroborreliosis: a case-control study»

Jore, S, et al (2003) «Outdoor recreation, tick borne encephalitis incidence and seasonality in Finland, Norway and Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020/2021)»

Kahl, O & Gray, J.S (2023) «The biology of Ixodes ricinus with emphasis on its ecology»

Lamsal, A, et al (2023) «Serological screening for tick-borne encephalitis virus in eight Norwegian herds of semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus)»

Marvik, Å, et al (2023) «Skogflåttencefalitt hos barn»

Nguyen, Q-B, et al (2023) «Insect repellents: An updated review for the clinician»

Nygren, T, et al (2023) «Recovery and sequelae in 523 adults and children with tick-borne encephalitis in Germany»

Schwartz, T, et al (2023) «Case report: First case of Borrelia miyamotoi meningitis in an immunocompromised patient in Norway»

Quarsten, H, et al (2023) » Tick-borne diseases under the radar in the North Sea Region»


Andreassen, S, et al (2022). «Cognitive function in patients with neuroborreliosis: A prospective cohort study from the acute phase to 12 months post treatment»

Arnason, S, et al (2022) «Effectiveness of antibiotic treatment in children with Lyme neuroborreliosis – a retrospective study»

Baarsma, M. E, et al (2022) «Diagnostic parameters of cellular tests for Lyme borreliosis in Europe (VICTORY study): a case-control study»

Blanchard, L, et al (2022) «Comparison of national surveillance systems for Lyme disease in humans in Europe and North America: a policy review»

Bogovic, P,  et al (2022) «Clinical and Laboratory Characteristics and Outcome of Illness Caused by Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus without Central Nervous System Involvement»

Eimer, J, et al (2022) «Spiroplasma ixodetis Infections in Immunocompetent and Immunosuppressed Patients after Tick Exposure, Sweden»

Guez-Barber, D, et al (2022) «Differentiating Bell’s Palsy From Lyme-Related Facial Palsy»

Halperin, J. J, et al (2022) «Lyme neuroborreliosis: known knowns, known unknowns»

Knudtzen, F. C, et al (2022) «Lyme neuroborreliosis with encephalitis; a systematic literature review and a Scandinavian cohort study.»

Kobayashi, T, et al (2022) «Mistaken Identity: Many Diagnoses are Frequently Misattributed to Lyme Disease.»

Kuitunen, I. and M. Renko (2022) «Changes in the Epidemiology of Zoonotic Infections in Children: A Nationwide Register Study in Finland.»

Kunze, M, et al (2022) «Recommendations to Improve Tick-Borne Encephalitis Surveillance and Vaccine Uptake in Europe»

Lindland, E, et al (2022) «Enhancement of cranial nerves in Lyme neuroborreliosis: incidence and correlation with clinical symptoms and prognosis»

Markowicz, M, et al (2022) «Nonspecific symptoms following infection with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato: A retrospective cohort study»

Maraspin, V, et al (2022) «Borrelial lymphocytoma»

Nygren, T. M, et al (2022) «Tick-Borne Encephalitis Risk Increases with Dog Ownership, Frequent Walks, and Gardening: A Case-Control Study in Germany 2018-2020.»

Schmidt, A. J, et al (2022) «Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in Switzerland: does the prolongation of vaccine booster intervals result in an increased risk of breakthroughs?»

Solheim, A. M, et al (2022) «Six versus 2 weeks treatment with doxycycline in European Lyme neuroborreliosis: a multicentre, non-inferiority, double-blinded, randomised and placebo-controlled trial»

Zens, K. D, et al (2022) «Retrospective, matched case-control analysis of tickborne encephalitis vaccine effectiveness by booster interval, Switzerland 2006-2020»

Ursinus, J, et al (2022) «Prevalence of persistent symptoms after treatment for Lyme borreliosis: A prospective observational cohort study»


Andreassen, S, et al. 2021 «Cognitive function, fatigue and Fazekas score in patients with acute neuroborreliosis»

Andreassen, Å, et al. 2021 «Low prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus antibodies in Norwegian blood donors»

Baarsma, vd Schoor et al. 2021. «The Initial QuantiFERON-Lyme Prototype is Unsuitable for European Patients»

De Pelsmaeker, N, et al. 2021 «High-elevational occurrence of two tick species, Ixodes ricinus and I. trianguliceps, at their northern distribution range»

Eikeland, R., et. al. 2021 «European neuroborreliosis: neuropsychological finding 30 months post-treatment»

Eliassen, K. E., et al. (2021). «Tick-transmitted co-infections among erythema migrans patients in a general practice setting in Norway: a clinical and laboratory follow-up study.» BMC Infect Dis 21(1): 1044.

Gyllemark P, et al. 2021. «Are other tick-borne infections overlooked in patients investigated for Lyme neuroborreliosis?» A large retrospective study from South-eastern Sweden. 

Gyntersen, R, et al. 2021 «Classification of patients referred under suspicion of tick-borne diseases, Copenhagen, Denmark»

Henningsson, A.J, et al. 2021 «Laboratory Methods for Detection of Infectious Agents and Serological Response in Humans With Tick-Borne Infections: A Systematic Review of Evaluations Based on Clinical Patient Samples»

Hillerdal, H, et al. 2021 «Serodiagnosis of Lyme borreliosis-is IgM in serum more harmful than helpful?»

Hinckley, A. F., et al. 2021 «Prevention of Lyme and other tickborne diseases using a rodent-targeted approach: A randomized controlled trial in Connecticut.»

Hoornstra, D, et al. 2021. «Ticking on Pandora’s box: a prospective case-control study into ‘other’ tick-borne diseases». 

Høiberg H.K. et al. 2021. «Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans in prolonged borrelia infection» 

Knudtzen, F.C. et al. 2021. «Lyme neuroborreliosis with encephalitis: a systematic literature review and a Scandinavian cohort study

Lantos, P.M. et.al. 2021. «Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of America, American Academy of Neurology, and American College of Rheumatology: 2020 Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Lyme Disease». 

Markowicz, M. (2021). Persistent Anti- Borrelia IgM Antibodies without Lyme Borreliosis in the Clinical and Immunological Context

Marx, G. et.al. 2021. «Post-treatment Lyme borreliosis in context: Advancing the science and patient care»

Nguala, S. (2021). Methodological Quality Assessment with the AGREE II Scale and a Comparison of European and American Guidelines for the Treatment of Lyme Borreliosis: A Systematic Review

Norsk Veterinær Tidsskrift (2021) : Skogflått hos hund og katt i Norge

Ogrinc, K, et al. 2021 «Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans: clinical and microbiological characteristics of a cohort of 693 Slovenian patients»

Ogrinc, K, et al. 2021 «Colocalization of radicular pain and erythema migrans in patients with Bannwarth’s syndrome suggests a direct spread of borrelia into the central nervous system.»

Quarsten, H, et al. 2021 «Tick-borne Pathogens Detected in the Blood of Immunosuppressed Norwegian Patients Living in a Tick-endemic Area»

Perkins, R, et al. 2021 «Potential role of veterinary flea products in widespread pesticide contamination of English rivers»

Reiso, H, et al. 2021 «Kronikk: Hva bør gjøres ved mistanke om flåttbåren sykdom?»

Kohlmaier, B., et al. F Strle (2021). «Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TBE): A European Multicentre Study from 2010 to 2017.

Solheim, A.M. (2021). «Lyme neuroborreliosis with encephalititis; a systematic litterature review and a Scandinavian cohort study». 

Steffen, R., et al. Schmitt (2021). «Can the booster interval for the tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) vaccine ‘FSME-IMMUN’ be prolonged? – A systematic review.»

Thortveit, E.T., (2021). «Flåttbårne infeksjoner og selvrapporterte helseplager; en helseundersøkelse i Søgne kommune, Sør-Norge»

Ursinus, J., et al. (2021). «Prevalence of persistent symptoms after treatment for lyme borreliosis: A prospective observational cohort study.»

van de Schoor, F.R., (2021′). «Opinion: Methodological Shortcomings in the Study on a Prophage-based PCR Test for Lyme Borreliosis»


Andersson, E, et al. 2020 «The first RT-qPCR confirmed case of tick-borne encephalitis in a dog in Scandinavia»

Barstad, B, et al. 2020 «Cerebrospinal fluid cytokines and chemokines in children with Lyme neuroborreliosis; pattern and diagnostic utility»

Beran, J, et al. 2020 «Second five-year follow-up after a booster vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis following different primary vaccination schedules demonstrates at least 10 years antibody persistence»

Divé, i, et al. 2020 «Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) infection in pregnancy: Absence of virus transmission to the fetuses despite severe maternal disease – A case study»

Drehmann, M, et al. 2020 «The Spatial Distribution of Dermacentor Ticks (Ixodidae) in Germany-Evidence of a Continuing Spread of Dermacentor reticulatus»

Eikeland, R, et al. 2020 «Patient-reported outcome after treatment for definite Lyme neuroborreliosis»

Eriksen, E, et al. 2020 «En kvinne i 50-årene med residiverende svimmelhet»

Folkehelseinstituttet – Årsrapport 2019 «Overvåkning av sykdommer som smitter fra mat, vann og dyr, inkludert vektorbårne sykdommer»

Hansson, K.E., et al. (2020) «Tick-borne Encephalitis Vaccine Failures: A 10-year Retrospective Study Supporting the Rationale for Adding an Extra Priming Dose in Individuals Starting at Age 50 Years»

Harms, M.G, et al. 2020 «A single dose of doxycycline after an Ixodes ricinus tick bite to prevent Lyme borreliosis: an open-label randomized controlled trial»

Hvidsten, D, et al. 2020 «The distribution limit of the common tick, Ixodes ricinus, and some associated pathogens in north-western Europe»

Jore, S, et al. 2020 «Spatial tick bite exposure and associated risk factors in Scandinavia»

Krawczuk, K., et al. (2020). «Comparison of tick-borne encephalitis between children and adults-analysis of 669 patients.» 

Kohlmaier, B., et al. F Strle (2021). «Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TBE): A European Multicentre Study from 2010 to 2017.

Karasuyama, H., et al. (2020). «Immunobiology of Acquired Resistance to Ticks

Kullberg, J B, et al. 2020 «Lyme borreliosis: diagnosis and management»

Markowicz, M, et al. 2020 «Isolation of Francisella tularensis from Skin Ulcer after a Tick Bite»

Moniuszko-Malinowska, A, et al. 2020 «Assessment of Anaplasma phagocytophilum presence in early Lyme borreliosis manifested by erythema migrans skin lesions»

Nyrhilä, S, et al. 2020 «One out of ten: low sampling efficiency of cloth dragging challenges abundance estimates of questing ticks»

Pfefferkorn, T, et al. 2020 «Brainstem encephalitis in neuroborreliosis: typical clinical course and distinct MRI findings»

Quarsten, H, et al. 2020 «Tick-borne Pathogens Detected in the Blood of Immunosuppressed Norwegian Patients Living in a Tick-endemic Area»

Rapport (2020) «Overvåking av infeksjonssykdommer som smitter fra mat, vann og dyr, inkludert vektorbårne sykdommer» – Folkehelseinstituttet

Rapport (2020) «Nordisk konsensus om utredning og oppfølging av personer med langvarige plager ved mistenkte flåttbårne sykdommer» – Helsedirektoratet

Report (2020) «Nordic consensus on the assessment and follow-up of persons with long-term ailments after suspected tick-borne diseases» – Norwegian Directorate of Health

Salat, J, et al. 2020 «Tick-borne encephalitis in domestic animals»

Schjørring, S, et al. 2020 «Laboratory Diagnostics of Rickettsia Infections in Denmark 2008–2015″

Steere, A.C, et al. 2020 «Posttreatment Lyme disease syndromes: distinct pathogenesis caused by maladaptive host responses»

Tetens, M, et al. 2020 «Changes in Lyme neuroborreliosis incidence in Denmark, 1996 to 2015»

Tetens, M, et al. 2020 «Assessment of the Risk of Psychiatric Disorders, Use of Psychiatric Hospitals, and Receipt of Psychiatric Medication Among Patients With Lyme Neuroborreliosis in Denmark»

Thortveit, E.T, et al. 2020 «Human seroprevalence of antibodies to tick-borne microbes in Southern Norway»

Vikse, R, et al. 2020 «Geographical distribution and prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks and phylogeographic structure of the Ixodes ricinus vector in Norway»

Wagemakers, A, et al. 2020 «Commentary: Borrelia miyamotoi: 43 Cases Diagnosed in France by Real-Time PCR in Patients With Persistent Polymorphic Signs and Symptoms»

Ørbæk, M, et al. 2020 «CT and MR neuroimaging findings in patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis: A national prospective cohort study»


Bamm, V.V, et al. 2020 «Lyme Disease Frontiers: Reconciling Borrelia Biology and Clinical Conundrums»

Berende, A, et al. 2019 «Effect of prolonged antibiotic treatment on cognition in patients with Lyme borreliosis»

Bierman, S.M, et al. 2019 «Incidence and characteristics of Lyme neuroborreliosis in adult patients with facial palsy in an endemic area in the Netherlands»

Czupryna, P, et al. 2019 «Assessment of the tau protein concentration in patients with tick-borne encephalitis»

Cutler, S, et al. 2019 «A new Borrelia on the block: Borrelia miyamotoi – a human health risk?»

Dehhaghi, M, et al. 2019 «Human Tick-borne diseases in Australia»

Figoni, J, et al. 2020 «Lyme borreliosis and other tick-borne diseases. Guidelines from the French Scientific Societies (I): prevention, epidemiology, diagnosis»

Folkehelseinstituttet – Årsrapport 2018 «Overvåkning av sykdommer som smitter fra mat, vann og dyr, inkludert vektorbårne sykdommer»

Haahr, R, et al. 2019 «Risk of neurological disorders in patients with European Lyme neuroborreliosis. A nationwide population-based cohort study«

Hansson, K.E, et al. 2019 «Tick-borne Encephalitis Vaccine Failures: A 10-year Retrospective Study Supporting the Rationale for Adding an Extra Priming Dose in Individuals Starting at Age 50 Years»

Jepsen, M.T, et al. 2019 «Protective practices against tick bites in Denmark, Norway and Sweden: a questionnaire-based study»

Mac, S, et al. 2019 «The economic burden of Lyme disease and the cost-effectiveness of Lyme disease interventions: A scoping review»

Kobayashi, T, el al. 2019 «Misdiagnosis of Lyme Disease With Unnecessary Antimicrobial Treatment Characterizes Patients Referred to an Academic Infectious Diseases Clinic»

Kjær, L.J, et al. 2019 «A largescale screening for the taiga tick, Ixodes persulcatus, and the meadow tick, Dermacentor reticulatus, in southern Scandinavia, 2016″

Klitgaard, K, et al. 2019 «Screening for multiple tick-borne pathogens in Ixodes ricinus ticks from birds in Denmark during spring and autumn migration Seasons»

Koetsveld, J, et al. 2019 «Borrelia miyamotoi infection leads to cross-reactive antibodies to the C6 peptide in mice and men»

Lager, M, et al. 2019 «Serological diagnostics of Lyme borreliosis: comparison of assays in twelve clinical laboratories in Northern Europe»

Mysterud, A, et al. 2019 «Genospecies of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato detected in 16 mammal species and questing ticks from Northern Europe»

Mysterud, A, et al. 2019 «How general are generalist parasites? The small mammal part of the Lyme disease transmission cycle in two ecosystems in northern Europe»

Mysterud, A, et al. 2019 «Lyme neuroborreliosis and bird populations in northern Europe»

Ocias L.F, et al. 2019 «Emerging tick-borne pathogens in the Nordic countries: A clinical and laboratory follow-up study of high-risk tick-bitten individuals»

Peri, F, et al. 2019 «Somatic symptom disorder should be suspected in children with alleged chronic Lyme disease»

Przygodzka, M, et al. 2019 «Repellents as a major element in the context of prevention of tick-borne diseases»

Raffetin, A, el al. 2019 «Unconventional diagnostic tests for Lyme borreliosis: a systematic review»

Rego, R, et al. 2019 «Counterattacking the tick bite: towards a rational design of anti-tick vaccines targeting pathogen transmission»

Riccardi, N, et al. 2019 «Tick-borne encephalitis in Europe: a brief update on epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment»

Ruiz, V.H, el al. 2019 «Association of Seropositivity to Borrelia burgdorferi With the Risk of Neuropsychiatric Disorders and Functional Decline in Older Adults: The Aging Multidisciplinary Investigation Study»

Steffen, R. 2019 «Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in children in Europe: Epidemiology, clinical outcome and comparison of vaccination recommendations»

Thortveit, E .T, et al. 2019 «Somatic symptoms and fatigue in a Norwegian population with high exposure to ticks»

Solheim, A.M, et al. 2019 «Six versus two weeks treatment with doxycycline in Lyme neuroborreliosis: the protocol of a multicentre, non-inferiority, double-blinded and randomised controlled trial»

Wormser, G.P, el al. 2019 «Efficacy of a 14-day course of amoxicillin for patients with erythema migrans»


Barstad, B, et al. 2018 «Direct Molecular Detection and Genotyping of Borrelia burgdorferi Sensu Lato in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Children with Lyme Neuroborreliosis»

Beran, J, et al. 2018 «Second five-year follow-up after a booster vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis following different primary vaccination schedules demonstrates at least 10years antibody persistence»

Bogovic, P, et al. 2018 “The long-term outcome of tick-borne encephalitis in Central Europe”

Botman, E, et al. 2018 “Diagnostic behaviour of general practitioners when suspecting Lyme disease: a database study from 2010-2015

Brockmann, S. O, et al. 2018 “A cluster of two human cases of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) transmitted by unpasteurised goat milk and cheese in Germany, May 2016”

Brown, J.D, et al. 2018 «A Description of ‘Australian Lyme Disease’ Epidemiology and Impact: An Analysis of Submissions to an Australian Senate Inquiry»

Carlsson, H, et al. 2018 “Subclinical Lyme borreliosis is common in south-eastern Sweden and may be distinguished from Lyme neuroborreliosis by sex, age and specific immune marker patterns”

Cull, B, et al. 2018 «Surveillance of British ticks: An overview of species records, host associations, and new records of Ixodes ricinus distribution»

Czupryna, P, et al. 2018 “Sequelae of tick-borne encephalitis in retrospective analysis of 1072 patients”

Daniel, M, et al. 2018 “Increased Relative Risk of Tick-Borne Encephalitis in Warmer Weather”

Dessau, R. B, et al. 2018 “To test or not to test? Laboratory support for the diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis: a position paper of ESGBOR, the ESCMID study group for Lyme borreliosis”

Eldin, C, et al. 2018 «Review of European and American guidelines for the diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis»

Eliassen, K. E, et al. 2018 «Comparison of phenoxymethylpenicillin, amoxicillin, and doxycycline for erythema migrans in general practice. A randomized controlled trial with a 1-year follow-up»

Kerlik, J, et al. 2018 «Slovakia reports highest occurrence of alimentary tick-borne encephalitis in Europe: Analysis of tick-borne encephalitis outbreaks in Slovakia during 2007-2016»

Kjelland, V, et al. 2018 “Tick-borne encephalitis virus, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Borrelia miyamotoi, Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis in Ixodes ricinus ticks collected from recreational islands in southern Norway”

Kristoferitsch, W, et al. 2018 “Secondary dementia due to Lyme neuroborreliosis”

Kuivanen, S. et al. 2018 “Fatal Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Infections Caused by Siberian and European Subtypes, Finland, 2015”

Lindland, E.S, et al. 2018 «Imaging in Lyme neuroborreliosis»

Littman, M.P, et al. 2018 «ACVIM consensus update on Lyme borreliosis in dogs and cats»

Markowicz, M, et al. 2018 “CXCL13 concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis and other neurological disorders determined by Luminex and ELISA”

Mysterud, A, et al. 2018 «Tick abundance, pathogen prevalence, and disease incidence in two contrasting regions at the northern distribution range of Europe»

NICE guideline (NG95). April 2018

Obel, N, et al. 2018 “Long term survival, health, social functioning, and education in patients with European Lyme neuroborreliosis: nationwide population based cohort study”

Ocias, L.F, et al. 2018 «Evidence of rickettsiae in Danish patients tested for Lyme neuroborreliosis: a retrospective study of archival samples»

Paulsen, K. M, et al. 2018 «Tick‐borne encephalitis virus in cows and unpasteurized cow milk from Norway»

Ravagnan, S, et al. 2018 “First detection of Borrelia miyamotoi in Ixodes ricinus ticks from northern Italy”

Rupprecht, T. A., et al. 2018 «Diagnostic value of cerebrospinal fluid CXCL13 for acute Lyme neuroborreliosis. A systematic review and meta-analysis»

Semenza, J. C, et al. 2018 “Vector-borne diseases and climate change: a European perspective”

Slunge, D, et al. 2018 “Learning to live with ticks? The role of exposure and risk perceptions in protective behaviour against tick-borne diseases”

Soleng, A, et al. 2018 “Distribution of Ixodes ricinus ticks and prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus among questing ticks in the Arctic Circle region of northern Norway”

Stanek, G, et al. 2018 “Lyme borreliosis-from tick bite to diagnosis and treatment

Strle, F, et al. 2018 “Is the risk of early neurologic Lyme borreliosis reduced by preferentially treating patients with erythema migrans with doxycycline?”

Stupica, D, et al. 2018 «Comparison of Clinical Course and Treatment Outcome for Patients With Early Disseminated or Early Localized Lyme Borreliosis»

Stupica, D, et al. 2018 «Oral doxycycline versus intravenous ceftriaxone for treatment of multiple erythema migrans: an open-label alternate-treatment observational trial»

Tokarz, R, et al. 2018 «A multiplex serologic platform for diagnosis of tick-borne diseases»

Torbahn, G, et al. 2018 «Efficacy and Safety of Antibiotic Therapy in Early Cutaneous Lyme Borreliosis: A Network Meta-analysis»

Touradji, P. «Cognitive Decline in Post-treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome»

Trayes, K.P, et al. 2018 «Annular LesionsDiagnosis and Treatment»

Van Gorkom, T, el al. 2018 «An ELISpot assay, measuring Borrelia burgdorferi B31-specific interferon-gamma secreting T-cells, cannot discriminate active Lyme neuroborreliosis from past Lyme borreliosis; a prospective study in the Netherlands”

Velušček, M, et al. 2018 «Doxycycline-induced photosensitivity in patients treated for erythema migrans»

Wagemakers, A, et al. 2018 «Case report: persistently seronegative neuroborreliosis in an immunocompromised patient»

Wagner, J. N, et al. 2018 «CXCL13 as a diagnostic marker of neuroborreliosis and other neuroinflammatory disorders in an unselected group of patients”

Wilhelm, E, et al. 2018 «Self-reported tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) vaccination coverage in Europe: Results from a cross-sectional study»

Wormser, G.P, el al. 2018 «Management approaches for suspected and established Lyme disease used at the Lyme disease diagnostic center»

Wormser, G. P, et al. 2018 «Outcome of facial palsy from Lyme disease in prospectively followed patients who had received corticosteroids»

Zakovska, A, et al. 2018 “Pilot study of Ixodes ricinus ticks preference for human ABO blood groups using a simple in vitro method”


Barstad, B, et al. 2018 «Cerebrospinal Fluid B-lymphocyte Chemoattractant CXCL13 in the Diagnosis of Acute Lyme Neuroborreliosis in Children»

Cutler, S. J, et al. 2017 «Diagnosing Borreliosis»

Eliassen, K. E, et al. 2017 «Symptom load and general function among patients with erythema migrans: a prospective study with a 1-year follow-up after antibiotic treatment in Norwegian general practice»

Forselv, K, et al. 2017 «Does more favourable handling of the cerebrospinal fluid increase the diagnostic sensitivity of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato-specific PCR in Lyme neuroborreliosis?»

Hvidsten, D, et al. 2017 «Blood donor Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato seroprevalence and history of tick bites at a northern limit of the vector distribution»

Knudtzen, F. C, et al. 2017 «Characteristics and Clinical Outcome of Lyme Neuroborreliosis in a High Endemic Area, 1995-2014: A Retrospective Cohort Study in Denmark»

Lager, M, et al. 2017 «Molecular detection of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato – An analytical comparison of real-time PCR protocols from five different Scandinavian laboratories»

Lorentzen, Å. R, et  al. 2017 «Lyme neuroborreliosis: do we treat according to guidelines?»

Mysterud, A, et al. 2017 «Emergence of tick-borne diseases at northern latitudes in Europe: a comparative approach»

Roaldsnes, E, et al. 2017 «Lyme neuroborreliosis in cases of non-specific neurological symptoms»

Quarsten, H, et al. 2017 «Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis and Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato detected in the blood of Norwegian patients with erythema migrans»

Sajanti, E, et al. 2017 «Lyme borreliosis in Finland, 1995-2014»

Schwenkenbecher, P, et al. 2017 «Common and uncommon neurological manifestations of neuroborreliosis leading to hospitalization»

Södermark, L, et al. 2017 «Neuroborreliosis in Swedish Children: A Population-based Study on Incidence and Clinical Characteristics»

Taba,P, et al. 2017 «EAN consensus review on prevention, diagnosis and management of tick-borne encephalitis»

Visser, A. E, et al. 2017 «No association between Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in a case-control study»

Eldre forskningsartikler

Analysemetoder påvisning Lyme borreliose Mikrobiologisk laboratorium Sørlandet Sykehus 2013

Andreassen, A, et al. 2012 “Prevalence of tick borne encephalitis virus in tick nymphs in relation to climatic factors on the southern coast of Norway”

EFNS guidelines on the diagnosis and management of European Lyme neuroborreliosis

Eikeland, R, 2012 «European neuroborreliosis  Long term follow-up»

Eikeland, R, et al. 2011 » European neuroborreliosis: quality of life 30 months after treatment»

Eikeland, R, et al. 2013 «Risk factors for a non-favorable outcome after treated European neuroborreliosis»

Fryland, L, et al. 2011 «Low risk of developing Borrelia burgdorferi infection in the south-east of Sweden after being bitten by a Borrelia burgdorferi-infected tick»

Kjelland, V, et al. 2010 «Prevalence and genotypes of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato infection in Ixodes ricinus ticks in Southern Norway»

Lantos, P.M, et al. 2013 «A Systematic Review of Borrelia burgdorferi Morphologic Variants Does Not Support a Role in Chronic Lyme Disease»

Ljøstad, U, et al. 2008 “Oral doxycycline versus intravenous ceftriaxone for European Lyme neuroborreliosis: a multicentre, non-inferiority, double-blind, randomised trial”

Ljøstad, U, et al. 2008 «Lyme borreliose hos voksne»

Soleng, A, et al. 2013 «Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Anaplasma phagocytophilum in Ixodes ricinus ticks in Brønnøysund in northern Norway»

Øymar, K, et al. 2009 «Clinical characteristics of childhood Lyme neuroborreliosis in an endemic area of northern Europe»

Rapport om diagnostisering og behandling av Lyme borreliose (2009) – Helsedirektoratet

Rapport om laboratoriediagnostikk av borreliainfeksjon (2013) – Folkhälsomyndigheten i Sverige